Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pamplona - Rest Day

This is a day we really needed!  And we finally managed a full and uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep.  I think we may finally be over our jet lag.

We are in a very nice hotel in the heart of Pamplona, and enjoyed an amazing and delicious 2 hour breakfast in our hotel to begin the day.  Then we set out to explore the city a bit.  It is famous for its running of the bulls, an event captured in the monument below...

In fact, our hotel balcony is situated directly above the alley where the bulls run.  Try to imagine, in the next 2 photos taken for our small balcony, a whole herd of bulls thundering down the street while you're trying to outrun them!

In a picture taken from down below looking up to where we're staying, Diane is exactly where she would want to be should there be any bulls running down the street!

Overall, old Pamplona is a beautiful place.  It's actually a fortress, with the entire old city surrounded by a wall.  We spent some time walking around it, admiring old buildings...

...what we are sure is one of the oldest picnic tables around, with individual seating, in back of a small apartment built on the city wall...

...and very old trees in full spring bloom...

One thing typical of so many European cities and towns we have visited is the big plazas with cafés and benches all around where people gather to socialize.  Streets are very narrow with little or no room to hang out, such as the street leading to Pamplona's main cathedral...

...but the main plaza is a vast open space where you can sit and watch people all day.  Our hotel (Hotel Perla) can be seen centre background below...

After wandering around a few hours and enjoying siesta along with everyone else (all shops and businesses close here and everywhere in Spain from 2-5 in the afternoon), we are about to go out for dinner.  Thinking of pizza maybe...

1 comment:

  1. Pizza that turned into paella! I love your pics of Pamplona!
