It is Wednesday, April 23, 2014, and we are getting impatient to begin our El Camino adventure. Still, there's work to do, visits to make, a Sunday service to conduct, and details to attend to. We fly out of Vancouver, BC, on Thursday, May 1, arriving in Paris, France, the following afternoon, after a switchover in London, England. We'll spend one night in a hotel across from the Montparnasse train station, from where we leave the next morning early on our way to the starting point of the El Camino Santiago: St. Jean Pied-a-Port. We'll meet Jeff & Chris Wubs there, as well as Arlene Stegeman and Joyce Wierda(hopefully, since they're flying standby), and stay there 2 nights. That gives us time to adjust to the time change as well as get the necessary El Camino passports.
We have no idea what we can expect on what is our first pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is a spiritual/religious experience by definition, so while we plan to have a lot of fun and enjoy a lot of beauty and meet many interesting people along the way, we also hope for - and anticipate - many surprises of God's presence and grace as we walk the way of Santiago (St. James), the apostle and the brother of our Lord Jesus.